Welcome to our first blog post.
Hey friends! We have created a new website. Along with it, a blog where we intend to share helpful horticulture tips, seasonal landscape information, updates, and even some recipes and funny stories. We hope to connect with you here often and bring a little joy into your day.
This is my grandmother smiling & holding her trophy for the best rose, awarded by the Portland Rose Society.
I remember being dragged around the yard by my grandmother. Each summer visit, before entering her house, she would spend an hour telling my parents and I the botanical names of all of her new plants she had acquired over the past year, and showing us all of the changes to the garden she had initiated.
A rose by any other name.
It did not take long before I realized that I too, possess the same love for plants. To both my grandmother and I, it is a way of life. A simple love for plants and nature nurtured by my grandmother turned into a philosophy and a lifelong mission to make the world beautiful, one landscape design at a time. So, here I am. Nancy Fritz, doing what I love and what I do best. It's such a privilege and a joy.
Working in harmony with nature.
"Be kind. For everyone you know is fighting a hard battle." - Ian Maclaren
One of my favorite quotes.